Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Why a blog??


May 25, 2015
It was a Sunday morning.  I was in the shower, getting ready for church, when I felt the Lord speaking to me.
  "April, I have done so much for you, and delivered you from so many things!  I want you to share these things with others so that they too, may know who I AM, and what I CAN do through them.  How will I get the glory in your life if you do not speak of the things that I have done??  How will others know what I want to do in, and through them if you do not speak of all I have delivered you from?  Others are suffering all around you… show them MY GLORY!"

The thoughts were heavy.  As I sat there doing my makeup, my husband walked into the room.  He asked me why I was so quiet?  I told him that I think God is calling me to write a book.  I shared with him the thoughts that were running through my mind so heavily that morning.  I asked him, "Do you think this is God speaking to me, or are these just random thoughts I am conjuring up in my mind?.  He responded by telling me that only I can know that for sure, and to just pray about it.

That morning, I asked God, "God, if these thoughts are from you, and you are indeed calling me to write about your deliverance in my life, then please, Lord, help me to know  that this is from you.  Show me something this morning during the service, speak to my heart.  Lord, I don't want to do anything out of your will, for I know that nothing good will come out of this if this is simply  "April's idea".  But Lord, I know that if you ARE calling me, I want to obey.  Please, show me…"

That morning our pastor asked us to open our Bibles to the book of Exodus.   He was speaking of Remembrance.   My ears perked up, for that is exactly what I felt God was asking me to do… remember.
Remember what?  1.  Remember WHO he is.  2.  Remember the blood, for life is in the blood.  3. Remember the POWER of God that saved you. 4.  Remember the PROTECTION of God.  5.  Remember the PRIESTHOOD of God.   REMEMBER.

And then, there it was… confirmation from my God himself ( he is so good!).
 I looked down, and as my pastor read the words in Exodus 17:14, I followed along with tears in my eyes.  "And the Lord said unto Moses, write this for a memorial in a book…".  All I could say was, "Yes, Lord".

 By God's grace alone, I WILL REMEMBER what he has done, and I will share it with others so that they too may know WHO HE IS.  He is a rewarder of those that DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM.

Since that day, I have been collecting note cards as God continues to show me things, and as I continue to grow in grace.  I have gone through  my old journals, and wrote down key verses that God used to direct, comfort, and teach me.  I don't know when exactly God will have me write HIS book, but when he wants me to start it, I am certain he will let me know. I want to be ready.

Which brings me to my next point…
We are 5 days into our new year.  Like most, I have been reflecting on the previous year, thanking God for his goodness.
On January 1, my family and I went to Redbox, and rented the movie "War Room".  I watched the movie, but instead of feeling encouraged, I was burdened.
  But, I wasn't convicted about my prayer life…  there was something else  bothering me;  I just couldn't put my finger on it.  So, I asked God to please show my what this heavy feeling was that was following me around like a dark cloud.  Five days I asked God what this conviction was??   Then he showed me.

 You see, when God called me to write, I "put my sharing" on hold, so to speak.  I was "saving" the things he has done for a more opportune time!  I did not speak of them, nor do I point people to him on a daily basis.  God taught me so many wonderful truths of PRAYER.  He taught me to speak out loud to the devil, to defeat him on my knees!   In the movie, Miss Clara was sharing the things God showed her about prayer.  She SPOKE of her God, and his power.  She actually prayed for God to send her women to teach.
 How was I using what he has taught me??

 The Bible says to "let his praise be CONTINUOUSLY on my lips (psalms 34:1)"!   I don't have to wait to write a book to speak of the power of prayer…  his fingerprints are all over me!   He wants me to tell others TODAY of what he has done in my life.    There IS power in prayer, and he wants me to shout it from the rooftops!

God has been good, and I have been invited to 3 different ladies groups (all out of state) to share my testimony with others.  But unfortunately, that where my "sharing" ends.
Unless you have heard my husband's testimony, then even my closest friends do not know all GOD has done in my life.  Sure, they know a little, but they don't' know how deep a deliverance God has brought in our marriage.  They haven't heard of the miracles, the DIRECT answers to prayers, the GRACE AND MERCY he has shown.  They haven't seen His fingerprints all over my heart!!   I was saving it.  Saving it for what??  For the book.
I was so wrong.  

 I am NOT a qualified writer. If you have made it this far in my blog post, then I'm sure you can tell by now that this is true!!   Writing does not come naturally to me. Not only that, but add into the mix that I haven't been in school in 20 years!
 I'm sure there have been a gazillion mistakes in this blog post today, but that's the beauty of it all… because you see?  GOD DOESN'T CALL THE QUALIFIED… HE QUALIFIES THE CALLED.   That is why I'm certain he will use this blog for I will not be the one writing it!  I am simply his tool - his vessel - being use by him to communicate the great things he has done!

HIS STRENGTH is made perfect through MY WEAKNESS (2 Cor. 12:9).  Where I am weak, there He is strong!

I'm the sure the day will come when God tells me to sit down and write that book, but until then, I will use each day that God gives me to speak of his goodness…  my LIFE will be His book.

 I will use this blog as the "book" until He tells me otherwise.  I will share with others what he is teaching me daily, and speak of his GLORY, GOODNESS, PATIENCE,  GRACE and unconditional LOVE.

If you are going through a trial in your life, then I encourage you today… "Fear not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD"!
Ex. 14:13

In the next few days Lord willing, I will tell you where "my story" began….
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  1. This made me smile. I can't wait to read more - God is so good to us! Love you!

    1. I love you too!!! Looking forward to how GOD will use this. :)

  2. Yes, we have to remember what He has done for us and tell our children so they will learn of Him and tell others..Thank you!
